Life-changing books

I’ve been reading a lot of books lately, here are some of my favourite. It’s quite the list, there’s many different types of book, but they all have something to make you think about your life


Secret for the mad : obsessions, confessions, and life lessons
by Dodie Clark


Dodie is a songwriter and a YouTuber. She is 22 and she is struggling with mental health issues.

Her book is very honest, funny and well written as are her song lyrics. It’s a beautifully made book, with pictures, song lyrics and illustrations drawn by her little sister.

Dodie’s YouTube channel
Dodie’s Instagram


also, go listen to her EP it’s fantastic

So much I want to tell you, letters to my little sister
by Anna Akana

81ege9Br4UL.jpgAnna Akana is also a YouTuber, she is a comedian though, she also makes movies. She is so funny, she makes videos about so many different types of subject: emotions, society, her cats. Her book was a little sensitive for me, cause she’s writing all the things she would have wanted to tell her little sister. My little sister hasn’t spoken to me since Easter, and I still feel like I need to take care of her, but I guess she has so figured some things out,maybe one day she will reach out.

Anyways, Anna’s book is full of very nice advice, things that any twenty-something needs to read.

Anna’s YouTube channel


The Self-Love Workbook
from Blessing Manifesting


I’m very sad to say that I think we need to be thought about self-love and self-care. Many
of us didn’t learn those skills at home and there wasn’t a class in high school about that.

This work book makes you look at yourself and find out all the different things you could do to love yourself a little better.



Healing ADD
The breakthrough program that allows you to see and heal the 6 types of ADD
by Daniel G. Amen, M.D.

91R6OKgHndL._AC_UL320_SR206,320_.jpgWhat I really liked about this one is that it is very scientific. The author studied his subject well. I had never heard of that many different types of ADD before, just the with or without hyperactivity. He explains the different zones affected in the brain and even give you quiz to understand more about yourself. He also gives a lot of information about medication and supplements and alimentation. It is a very factual book and that’s what I love about it.

The survival guide for kids with ADD or ADHD
by John F. Taylor, Ph.D.


Okay, this is a children’s book. But hey, I only learned I had ADD at 26

so, I needed the basics. That book is really useful, it gives many tips and tricks, and it’s also great to explain to others what ADD is.

Adult Children

The two next book talks are about different types of parents and how they affect their children.

Adult children of emotionally immature parents
How to heal from distant, rejecting or self-involved parents
by Lindsay C. Gibson


With a lot of real life examples, these books shows how different types of immature parents lead to a lot of problems for the adult children.

The examples in this book really help me understand the type of emotional abuse I was subjected too. I’ve only read a few chapters though, so I can’t really tell you more.

Healing Your emotional self
A powerful program to help you raise your self esteem,
quiet your inner critic, and overcome your shame
by Beverly Engel

129707This book used the mirror in many ways. First to explain that different types of parenting lead to different images you can have of yourself. Then, it will use the mirror as an exercise tool. You will need to look at yourself (both inside and out).

I really think that understanding where your issues stem from help. Well, it really helps me. I need to understand the why and the how.

Will I ever be good enough
Healing the daughters of narcissistic mothers
by Karyl McBride

cc2d6d63-ae00-43f4-8893-ec6553532f2bI needed a book specifically related to my mother issues. Cause the narcissistic parenting is really specific and it messes you up in a special kind of way.

This is a tough one though, and I had to take a break cause I was at the part I needed to grieve the child I did not get to be before starting the third and final part of this book. I think I’d be ready now.


I think an important part of mental health is having healthy habits and a nice environment. I really struggle with this cause I wasn’t thought a lot of things, so maintaining a healthy routine, keeping my house clean, managing my compulsions are hard things for me.

The disciplined Pursuit of Less
by Greg McKeown.

514M9KlQKQL._SX332_BO1,204,203,200_Essentialism means doing what is essential. I was a victim of this, saying yes to everyone, to everything, and it’s the best way to burn yourself. Another thing I did is, not choose. But when you do so, others choose for you.

This book is great to put things in perspective, and really think about what’s important to you. In life, you have to make sacrifices, but the thing is, what is worth making sacrifices to you?

Better than Before
Making the Habits of Our everyday lives
by Gretchen Rubin

22889767If I’m not mistaken, this book was suggested in the previous one mentioned. It is amazing! Too often, we try to emulate habits of successful people.

This book makes you take a look at yourself so you find out what is the best way for you to form habits and with habits you should strive for, considering your personality.

The subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck
by Mark Manson

51VNlzbfpXL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_I haven’t read that much of this one, but the point is, we give too much fucks about things that don’t matter, and sometimes not enough fucks about really important things, cause we’ve exhausted all our fucks on little things.

This is a really funny book, and I think it’s even funnier that it references a book that I loved that you’ll find a little below.


I think it’s easier to have a clean mind in a clean home. And it’s really a struggle for me cause my mother is a hoarder, so I kind have this tendency to want to keep things, in case. Or to feel guilty getting rid of things cause I paid for them or someone gave them to me. Well, I really like the way the other of these next two books think. They are very famous now, but if you haven’t read them, I really recommend them.

The life-changing magic of tidying up
by Marie Kondo

512oubYY-pLThis is not a recent book at all, and I even managed to tidy my entire life just yet, but I’m on the right path.

If you haven’t heard of this technique yet, the basic line is to keep only things that bring you joy. I find it’s a really easy book to understand. And I love the way the author thinks.

Spark joy
by Marie Kondo

410sn-mdGaL._SX351_BO1,204,203,200_This second book is more about the specifics. How to store and organize the stuff you kept. There’s illustrations explaining how to fold your clothes. It’s shorter than the first book but I think it’s a response to readers and gives quite a few additional information.

I hope you enjoyed this little blog post, I really want to write more on there. Maybe if I take it less seriously and put less pressure on myself, it’ll do the trick.

Talk to you soon. If you have any recommendations for me leave them in the comments!

2 thoughts on “Life-changing books

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  1. Hi, my name is Tim, I saw some of your YT videos and decided to click on the part that takes me here. Fountain pens, were the subject I was looking for on YT, but than I realized that we share some difficulties with mental health. It is so hard for me to even think properly about these things, so its amazing to hear you talk about and share what you’re doing to make things better. Right now I’m waiting to get some new fountain pens, (1 Jinhao X450 and a X750 ). Also a package of HP lazer jet 32 lb paper, which is supposed to be great for fountain pens. I’m not sure if its OK to go on like this, so much, or if comments should be shorter. So I’ll quit now, and just say, I look forward to seeing more of your videos. One other thing though, do you ever use a writing slope with your pens?


    1. It is 100% okay to go on! I do not have a writing slope, but I think it would be useful! Especially for drawing. I’m glad I can help you with your mental health issues, I know how hard it can be, and yet, it can be so different from one person to an other. The more we speak about it the better, I think. Take care, and thank you for all the comments, it really means a lot to me ❤️


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